An everlasting portion – Thomas Brooks

“The Lord is my portion, says my soul; therefore I will hope in Him.” Lamentations 3:24

A Christian may be stripped of anything but his God; he may be stripped of his estate, his friends, his relations, his liberty, his life but he can never be stripped of his God! As God is a portion that none can give to a Christian but God himself; so God is a portion that none can take from a Christian but God himself! Therefore, as ever you would have a sure portion, an abiding portion, a lasting portion, yes, an everlasting portion, make sure of God for your portion!

Nothing can make that man miserable, who has God for his portion; nor can anything make that man happy, who lacks God for his portion. The more rich the more wretched; the more great the more graceless; the more honorable the more miserable that man will be, who has not God for his portion.
