Christ’s Place of Prayer – Charles Spurgeon

JESUS, to prevent interruption, to give himself the opportunity of pouring out his whole soul, and to avoid ostentation, sought the mountain. What a grand oratory for the Son of God! What walls would have been so suitable? What room would have worthily housed so mighty an intercessor? The Son of God most fittingly entered God’s own glorious temple of nature when he would commune with Heaven. Those giant hills, and the long shadows cast by the moon light were alone worthy to be his companions. No pomp of gorgeous ceremony can possibly have equaled the glory of nature’s midnight on the wild mountain’s side, where the stars, like the eyes of God, looked down upon the worshiper, and the winds seemed as though they would bear the burden of his sighs and tears upon their willing wings. Samson, in the temple of the Philistines, moving the giant pillars, is a mere dwarf compared with Jesus of Nazareth moving Heaven and earth, as he bows himself alone in the great temple of Jehovah.
