PRAYER— of a Father. – Charles Spurgeon

Philip James Spener had a son of eminent talents, but perverse and extremely vicious. All means of love and per- suasion, were without success. The father could only pray, which he continued to do, that the Lord might yet be pleased to save his son at any time and in any way. The son fell sick ; and while lying on his bed in great distress of mind, nearly past the power of speech or motion, he suddenly started up, clasped his hands, avid exclaimed: ” My father’s prayers, like mountains, surround we.!” Soon after his anxiety ceased a sweet peace spread over his face, his malady came to a crisis, and the son was kivo(1 in body and soul He became another man. Spenner lived to see his son a respectable man, in public office, and happily married. Such was the change of his life after his conversion.— N. E. Puritan,
