Works of God Worthy of Attention – Charles Spurgeon

MODERN fanatics, who profess to be so absorbed in heavenly things that they are blind to the most marvelous of Jehovah’s handiwork, should go to school with David as the schoolmaster, and learn to “consider the heavens;” and should sit with Job upon the dunghill of their pride, while the Lord rehearses the thundering stanzas of creation’s greatness, until they cry with the patriarch, “I have heard of you by the hearing of the ear, but now mine eye sees you; wherefore I abhor myself and repent in dust and ashes.” For our part, we feel that what was worth the Lord’s making richly deserves the attention of the most cultivated and purified intellect; and we think it blasphemy against God himself to speak slightingly of his universe, as if, forsooth, we poor puny mortals were too spiritual to be interested in that matchless architecture which made the morning stars sing together, and caused the sons of God to shout for joy.
