The story is told of artist Paul Gustave Dore who was traveling in Europe when he faced a predicament. He reached a border crossing and discovered that he had misplaced his passport. Without his papers, the officer wouldn’t allow Dore to pass. Finally, Dore was given a test to prove his identity. The official gave him a piece of paper and a pencil and requested he draw a group of nearby peasants. Dore did so with such ease that the official was convinced he was indeed the famed artist.

Paul Dore’s identity was affirmed through his work. Many people in our world find their identity through their work or accomplishments.

As Christians, our identity is not in what we do but in Who we belong to. We are children of God, heir to His kingdom. Apart from God, we have no identity and are but another lost soul in this world. But with God, we are a child of the King. We have hope, we have purpose, and we have meaning. No matter what fails in your life, if you have trusted Christ as your Saviour, you are a child of God. Outside things can change, but you will always be one of God’s own.
