12 YEARS OF GRACE - Hannes Zegement Grove
Time spent in Grace, at a rather speedy pace
I could never foresaw, what God would embrace.
The patience He had for this God forsaken lad
Who thought he knew Christ, like a friend like a man.
The people who prayed; by night and by day
God did honour and let the little lad stay.
Time spent in Grace, oh what sorrow and pain
What a struggle, what fear, and only tears to be gain
But the love of the Lord came tenderly clear
Come here my child don’t fear, I’m near, I’m near
On his face on the floor like he never was before
The lad cried and cried for he could not endure it no more.
Time spent in Grace, far away; far away;
This lad went everywhere, but never astray.
A sinner he was; quite a good one I might add
He secretly became intolerably sad, oh so very sad
Then the Saviour he met; what a shock, oh the lad got a shock
He was in chains of sins ― dear Jesus please unlock.
GRACE came on time for this lad on his knees
For the first time in life he could not believe.
On the day of GRACE: God the Father embraced
The little lad in tears, for real face to face
And wrote his name in a book with seals on its very own space.
All this in GRACE ―
Godly GRACE, Godly Grace!