Somewhere - Melody Conjurske
Somewhere in the darkness
I lost my saviour’s face;
Somewhere in the darkness
I lost my saviour’s face;
Somewhere in my frenzy
I forgot his love and grace.
I only felt the stillness,
The fear without a light;
I forgot about the eye
That doesn’t sleep at night.
Somewhere through the storm clouds
I forgot the sun was there;
Forgot that it was shining
Beyond the clouds somewhere.
I only saw the blackness
And felt the pouring rain.
I couldn’t see my God there;
I only saw my pain.
Somewhere through the trial
I lost my Saviour’s hand.
I thought that he had left me
And didn’t understand
I didn’t see him standing
Beside me all the time
Holding out his hand
For me to slip in mine.
Somewhere through my falling tears
I lost the path ahead.
Somewhere in my troubled thoughts
I forgot what Jesus said;
Forgot that he had promised
My load he would sustain
Forgot that he had died
Upon a cross of pain.
Forgot that Christ my Saviour
Came his life to give
Took my place upon the tree
That I might truly live.
Forgot the pain he suffered,
The agony and shame;
Forgot that this same Jesus
Forever is the same.
Forgot that God had given
His own beloved son
When I was lost and helpless
A sinner all undone.
Forgot that God had promised
Through Christ all things are mine.
Why should my heart repine?
Melody Conjurske