Seeing to Business – Thomas Manton
“I am glorified in them” (John 17:10).
Those that mind Christ’s glory, he mindeth their salvation. He is interceding for you in heaven when you are glorifying him on earth; he is doing your business in heaven when you are doing his business in the world; he is your advocate, and you are his bailiffs and factors: Matt. 10:32, ‘Whosoever shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.’ When you own Christ in the world, and avow his name and truth in the world, you shall lose nothing. When you come to pray, Christ will own you: Father, hear him, this is one of mine. You cannot honor Christ so much as he will honor you. When carnal men come to pray, Christ saith, ‘I know them not.’ Oh! it is sad to be disowned in the court of heaven, when Christ disclaimeth any interest or intendment in his purchase for us, they are nothing akin to me, are none of mine. When we do all things for by-ends, we disclaim God for a paymaster, and therefore must look for our reward elsewhere.