Christ, Gentleness of – Charles Spurgeon

HOW very gentle, though all but omnipotent, is the influence of the sun upon the earth and all the planets! How they constantly revolve around and follow him in his wondrous march; yet you never feel that he draws! If you harness a horse to your chariot, he tugs and pulls by fits and starts; but the Father of lights draws all the ponderous planets along their appointed ways, and yet there is not enough of jar to shake an aphis from a rosebud. So there is no noise in the loving drawings of the Savior. Much of the fanaticism which comes with religious excitements is not of God. The genuine dew of Heaven falls calmly.

“As in soft silence spring showers

Fall to refresh the fields and flowers,

So in sweet silence from above

Drops the sweet influence of his love.
