Significant Finds: Researcher George Barna lists the fol-lowing-George Mueller

Significant Finds: Researcher George Barna lists the fol-lowing as his most notable findings in ’00. (1) Only 4% of born again adults are certain of the existence of absolute moral truth. (2) 94% of black adults rank having a close, personal relationship with God as a top life priority, com-pared to 67% of whites and 74% of Hispanics. (3) Only 8% of born again adults tithe to their church. (4) Asian-Ameri-cans are now more likely than Hispanics to be born again (5) Only 1% of all born again adults firmly concurred with each of 13 basic belief statements from the Bible. (6) Fewer than 1/3 of teens are likely to attend a Christian church once living independent of their parents. (7) 40% of Christ-ian churches are virtually impossible to reach by telephone. (8) Unchurched people are typically less relational than are churched people. (9) Just 34% of Christians gave any time and money to serve the poor in the past year. (10) Most Christians’ votes were influenced more by economic self-interest than by spiritual and moral values. (11) Only 44% of born again teens claim that they are “absolutely commit-ed to the Christian faith.” (12) Only 20% of 18-29 year olds are born again down from 20% in ’91, to just 14% today. (Barna Online 12/12)
