Final Perseverance, guaranteed by Christ – Charles Spurgeon

THE very least of God’s people is safe, because the love of Christ is as much set upon the least as the greatest; because Jesus has as much bought with blood the least as the greatest; because Christ is as much the Surety of the little saints as of the strong saints; because the least in the family is as dear to the heavenly Father as the elder sons; because the absence of the feeblest saint would make a gap in Heaven quite as much as the loss of the greatest; because if Jesus should suffer one of his people to perish, he would as much break his suretyship engagements by losing the least as the greatest; because it would be as much dishonor to Christ to suffer the meanest as the best to fall, for Satan would say, “He kept the strong, but could not keep the weak”; because Christ’s love encompasses the lambs as much as the sheep, and eternal grace makes as sure their salvation as that of apostles and martyrs. God will not be thwarted, and Christ will not be robbed, the Holy Spirit will not be defeated, the covenant shall not be broken, the oath shall not fall to the ground, the blood shall not have been spilt in vain, and intercession shall not go up to Heaven unheeded for any one of these little ones—they must, they shall be kept. Though earth’s old columns bow, not one of these shall be cast away.
