Neglect of Souls – Charles Spurgeon
SEE yonder poor wretches whose ship has gone down at sea; they have constructed a poor tottering raft, and have been swimming on it for days. Their supply of bread and water is exhausted, and they are famishing; they have bound a handkerchief to a pole and hoisted it, and a vessel is within sight. The captain of the ship takes his telescope, looks at the object, and knows that it is a shipwrecked crew. Oh!” says he to his men, “we are in a hurry with our cargo, we cannot stop to look after an unknown object; it may be somebody perishing, and it may not be; but, however, it is not our business,” and he keeps on his course. His neglect has murdered those who died on the raft. Yours is much the same case, only it is worse, because you deal with immortal souls, and he only deals with bodies which he suffers to die. Oh, my brother, I do implore you before the Lord, never let this sin lay at your door again; but if there be one who is impressed, and needs a word of comfort, fly on the wings of mercy to such a soul, and help to cheer him as God enables you.