Neutrality, None in Religion – Charles Spurgeon

YOU either belong to God or else you belong to his enemy. You are either bought with precious blood or else you are still a bond-slave of Satan. Which are you? If it were possible to dwell in an intermediate state this might be a puzzling inquiry; but there are no neutralities in religion. There is no such thing as being in the valley while the two hosts are on either side on the mountains. You are either this day standing shoulder to shoulder with Prince Immanuel’s warriors, or else, when the muster-roll is read of the army on the opposite side, you are most certainly numbered there. All attempts to serve God and to serve the world too must end in bitter failure. Mark Antony yoked two lions together and rode with them through the streets of Rome, but no man shall ever yoke together the Lion of the tribe of Judah and the Lion of the pit. No man ever tries to walk on two sides of the road at the same time, unless he should be intoxicated; and it argues gross intoxication of mind and of spirit when a man attempts to serve both God and Mammon—to win eternal life, and yet to live like the spiritually dead.
