Rejection of Christ Fatal – Charles Spurgeon
YOU cannot reject the Savior and be a little damaged thereby; there is no alternative but that you utterly perish. You shall eat bread, it shall nourish you, it shall provide for you the material of flesh and sinew, nerve and bone. Refuse to eat it, and you put your life from you. You may, if you will, try to impose upon others, but, whether watched or unwatched, you shall die if you will not eat. So ordained is it by wise decree that there is no living without food; let but the space of time be long enough, and death must be inevitable to those who will not eat. So is it with Christ, who is the bread sent down from Heaven. Receive him, you have all that your soul wants to sustain it and drive away its hunger; reject him, and there is neither in Heaven nor in earth anything that can supply your soul’s lack.