A Lukewarm Christian

Recently I talked to a man I will call Mr. Luke Warm, for he is neither cold not hot. He says he is a Christian but seldom attends church. “I am under a great deal of tension where I work,” he explained, “and often go fishing on weekends for relaxation. Church is all right, but a person can’t do everything, you know.”

Mr. Luke Warm also had an uneasy conscience about his giving, for he continued, “I put a dollar or two in the offering plate whenever I go, and I think that’s all God can expect of me. If I gave a tenth of my income, it would amount to more than $2000. You just don’t know how expensive it is for me to maintain my cabin at the lake and pay dues to keep my membership at the country club and the bowling league. Anyway, churches put too much emphasis on money.”
