Tribulation leading to Hell – Charles Spurgeon

THERE is a groundless notion abroad, that those who are badly off in this world will certainly have it made up to them in the world to come; and I have heard the parable of Lazarus and Dives quoted as though it taught that those who are poor here will be rich hereafter. There is not a shadow of reason for any such belief. You may go through much tribulation to Hell as well as to Heaven; and as a man may have two heavens, here and hereafter, by living near to God, so may a man have two hells, the Hell which he brings upon himself in this life by his extravagances, his wickedness, and his lust, and the Hell that shall be his punishment forever in the world to come. Believe me, many a ragged, loathsome beggar has been damned; he was as poor as Lazarus, but not as gracious as he, and therefore no angels carried him to Abraham’s bosom. There is no efficacy in the tongues of dogs to lick away sin, neither can a hungry belly atone for a guilty soul. Many a soul has begged for crumbs on earth, and has afterwards craved in vain for water in Hell. You must take care not to suck poisonous error out of the flowers of truth.
