Will of Man to be Surrendered to God – Charles Spurgeon

WE cannot serve the Lord if we pick and choose our duties. He who enlists in the army of the Most High, surrenders his will to the discipline of the army and the bidding of the Captain. Whatever Christ bids any of us do in the future, we must unhesitatingly perform. It may be that his finger will point to distant lands, thither must we go cheerfully. We must follow the pillar of cloud without repining. We may be called to posts of labor for which we feel ourselves to be inadequate; we may be bidden to attempt work from which our spirit as yet recoils, but if we be called to it, it is not ours to ask the reason why; it is ours, if necessary, even to dare and die in serving the Lord. What have you to do with finding strength? It is his to give it you in the hour of need. What have you to do with likings or dislikings? Servants must like that which their masters bid them. Man, your will must be subdued; your prejudices, instead of being pampered, must be destroyed; you must be as willing to be a hewer of wood and a drawer of water as to be a prince and a standard-bearer; you must be as content to teach a little child his letters for Christ as to testify the gospel before an audience of kings. To you it must be equal whether you shall sit on a throne for Christ or rot in a dungeon for Christ. He only is a sincere servant who is intent upon doing the whole of his Lord’s will, let that will be what it may.
