Workers, Humble—Used by God – Charles Spurgeon

HOW often the eminent preachers, which are the church’s delight, are brought into the church by those of less degree, even as Simon Peter was converted by Andrew! Who shall tell what might have become of Simon Peter if it had not been for Andrew? Who shall say that the church would ever have possessed a Peter if she had closed the mouth of Andrew? And who shall put their finger upon the brother or sister of inferior talent, and say, “These must hold their peace? Nay, brother, if you have but one talent, the more zealously use it. God will require it of you; let not your brethren hold you back from putting it out to interest. If you are but as a glowworm’s lamp, hide not your light, for there is an eye predestined to see by your light, a heart ordained to find comfort by your faint gleam. Shine you, and the Lord accept you!
