TEMPTATIONS-used by country people to catch the wasps - Charles Spurgeon

Temptations. Notice the invention used by country people to catch wasps. They will put a little sweet liquor into a long and narrow-necked phial. The do-nothing wasp comes by, smells the sweet liquor, plunges in and is drowned. But the bee comes by, and if she does stop for a moment to smell, yet she enters not, because she has honey of her own to make ; she is too busy in the work of the commonwealth to indulge herself with the tempting sweets. Master greenham, a puritan divine, was once waited upon by a woman who was greatly tempted. Upon making inquiries into her way of life, he found she had little to do, and greenham said, ” that is the secret of your being so much tempted. Sister, if you are very busy, satan may tempt you, but he will not easily prevail, and he will soon give up the attempt.” idle christians are not tempted of the devil so much as they tempt the devil to tempt them. One of the ancient fathers, we are told, had, before his conversion, lived with an ill woman, and some little time after, she accosted him as usual. Knowing how likely he was to fall into sin, he ran away with all his might, and she ran after him, crying, ” wherefore run thou away? It is i.” he answered, ” i run away because i am not i.
