BR Lakin Audio Sermons

Larkin was born in West Virginia on a farm on the Kentucky border. He had a praying mother who longed that her unborn child should one day enter the ministry. God answered her prayers. Larkin’s beginnings were simple attending a one-roomed schoolroom until he reached 4th grade. Larkin was saved at the age of 16 years and within a week he was preaching to others. A few years afterwards, in his early twenties, he rode on a mule in the rural areas of west Virginia and Kentucky preaching the Gospel. He was later to attend Moody Bible Institute when he yearned for more education. While studying there, he was pastoring several churches. Bob Jones and Kletzing College awarded him honorary doctorates as well.  A huge change loomed when the Cadle Tabernacle church in Indianapolis, Indiana offered him a post as assistant to Rev Cadle. The church seated 10,000 apart from the 1500 choir seating. Cadles ministry which soon involved Larkin, included the ‘National Family Prayer Period Broadcasting’ which was the most popular religious broadcast of the 1930’s. When Cadle died in 1942, Larkin was appointed as Senior Pastor and continued with the broadcasting. In 1952, there was another change for Larkin, as he embarked on a 30-yearlong evangelistic ministry, having opportunities to preach in some of the biggest evangelical churches in America. A hundred thousand conversions are attributed to have happened under his ministry. At the age of 83 years, Larkin was still travelling extensively, and it was only his death at the age of 84, that ended his fruitful service for the Lord.  Wit, evangelical zeal and sound Biblical teaching are characteristic of his sermons and endeared him to the hearts of those who were privileged to hear him.

BR Lakin Sermons Speaker

BR Lakin Audio Sermons

Are you ready to meet God - B.R Lakin

Battle of Armageddon - B.R. Lakin

Bitter cup - B.R Lakin

Five minutes before death – B.R Lakin

Heaven - B.R Lakin

If Jesus did not return - B.R Lakin

Pool of Bethesda - B.R Lakin

Prepare to Meet Thy God - B.R Lakin

The Two White Horses B.R Lakin

Three Meetings With Jesus - B.R Lakin

Why I Know There is a God - BR Lakin


Larkin was born in West Virginia on a farm on the Kentucky border. He had a praying mother who longed that her unborn child should one day enter the ministry. God answered her prayers. Larkin’s beginnings were simple attending a one-roomed schoolroom until he reached 4th grade. Larkin was saved at the age of 16 years and within a week he was preaching to others. A few years afterwards, in his early twenties, he rode on a mule in the rural areas of west Virginia and Kentucky preaching the Gospel. He was later to attend Moody Bible Institute when he yearned for more education. While studying there, he was pastoring several churches. Bob Jones and Kletzing College him awarded him honorary doctorates as well.  A huge change loomed when the Cadle Tabernacle church in Indianapolis, Indiana offered him a post as assistant to Rev Cadle. The church seated 10,000 apart from the 1500 choir seating. Cadles ministry which soon involved Larkin, included the ‘National Family Prayer Period Broadcasting’ which was the most popular religious broadcast of the 1930’s. When Cadle died in 1942, Larkin was appointed as Senior Pastor and continued with the broadcasting. In 1952, there was another change for Larkin, as he embarked on a 30-yearlong evangelistic ministry, having opportunities to preach in some of the biggest evangelical churches in America. A hundred thousand conversions are attributed to have happened under his ministry. At the age of 83 years, Larkin was still travelling extensively, and it was only his death at the age of 84, that ended his fruitful service for the Lord.  Wit, evangelical zeal and sound Biblical teaching are characteristic of his sermons and endeared him to the hearts of those who were privileged to hear him.

BR Lakin Sermons Speaker