A great degree of holiness – Thomas Brooks
The more a man conflicts with heart sins, with spiritual sins, with invisible sins with sins which lie most hidden and obscure from the eyes of the world and the more spiritual victories and conquests a man obtains over them the greater measure of holiness that person has certainly attained to.
A little grace, a little holiness, will work a man to conflict with gross sins, with outward sins, with bodily sins, with open sins, which everyone may set their eyes on.
Yes, where there is no grace, no holiness at all, the light of nature, the common convictions of the Spirit,
the laws of men,
the eyes of men,
the threats of men,
the examples of men,
the smarting rod, or
a good education,
may work men to conflict with such sins.
Oh, but when all the strength and might of the soul is engaged against those very sins that lie not within the sight or reach of the most sharp and piercing men in the world but in the heart, and about the heart, and are only obvious to God’s omniscient eye this argues a great degree of holiness.
When the heart rises with all its strength and might against . . .
secret pride,
secret self-love,
secret bubblings of lusts,
secret carnal confidence,
secret murmuring,
secret hypocrisy,
secret envy,
secret self-applause,
secret malice,
secret hatred,
secret snares,
secret temptations, etc.,
it is an evidence that holiness has grown up to some considerable height there! It is not an easy thing, to overcome those flaming lusts and corruptions which are in our own hearts. Only grace, only holiness, can enable us to overcome our lusts our heart lusts.