Less than the least – Thomas Brooks
“Unto me, who am less than the least of all saints.” Ephesians 3:8
“Less than the least of all saints,” is a double diminutive, and signifies lesser than the least, if lesser might be. Here you have the greatest apostle descending down to the lowest step of humility. Great Paul is least of saints, last of the apostles, and greatest of sinners.
He who is little in his own account is great in God’s esteem. Humility is both the beautifier and preserver of all other graces. If ever there were an age since Christ was on earth, wherein it was needful to preach, press, and print this great doctrine of humility, of self-abasement, of soul-abasement it is the age wherein we live. Oh the pride, the loftiness of the professors of this age!