One sigh and groan – Thomas Brooks

Some may think that they lack the ability to pour out their souls before the Lord in secret. I answer, You cannot pray; but can you not sigh? can you not groan? There may be the Spirit of adoption in sighs and groans, as well as in vocal prayer. The force, the virtue, the efficacy, the excellency of prayer does not consist in the number and flourish of words;but in the supernatural motions of the Spirit in sighs, and groans, and pangs, and strong affections of heart, which are unspeakable and unutterable. Certainly, the very soul of prayer lies in the pouring out of a man’s soul before the Lord, though it be but in sighs, groans, and tears. One sigh and groan from a broken heart, is more pleasing to God, than all human eloquence.

Remember, that God is no critical observer of the poor expressions which fall from His poor children, when they are in prayer. He is such a Father as is very well pleased with the broken expressions and flawed stammerings of His people when they pray. It is not a flood of words, nor studied notions, nor seraphical expressions, nor elegant phrases in prayer which takes the ear, or which delights the heart of God, or which opens the gates of glory, or which brings down the best of blessings upon the soul; but uprightness, holiness, heavenliness, spiritualness, and brokenness of heart. These are the things which make a conquest upon God, and bring most benefit to the soul.
