So exceeding angry with himself – Thomas Brooks

“Then you will defile your idols overlaid with silver and your images covered with gold; you will throw them away like a menstrual cloth and say to them Away with you!” Isaiah 30:22

The true penitent is not so exceeding angry with himself for anything as he is angry with himself for his sins. There are none who fret, and fume, and chafe at themselves for sin, as penitent souls do. There are none who loathe themselves, who abhor themselves, and who are weary of themselves, upon the account of their sins like penitent souls. It is not this thing nor that, nor this enemy nor that, nor this party nor that, nor this design nor that but sin, which is the main the grand object of a penitent’s hatred, scorn, wrath, rage, reproach, disgrace, and contempt!

He who would be angry and sin not must be angry at nothing but sin. If some men would but spend more of their anger and indignation against their sins, they would not be so angry as they are with their brethren, that in disputable things differ from them.
