The hypocrite’s only care – Thomas Brooks

The hypocrite’s only care is to keep his outward life from defilement. But the sincere Christian’s care is mainly to keep his heart from defilement; for he very well knows, that if he can but keep his heart clean he shall with more ease keep his life clean. If the fountain is kept pure the streams will run pure. The heart is the spring of all actions, and therefore every action is as the spring is, from whence it flows; if the spring is good the action is good which flows from it; if the spring is evil, the action is evil which flows from it.

Hypocrites are all for the outside; they wash the platters and the cups, and beautify the tombs like an adulteress whose care is to paint a fair face upon a foul heart.

But a sincere Christian, though he has a great concern for the well-ordering of his outward life yet his main business and work is about his heart
Oh that this ignorant heart were but more enlightened!
Oh that this proud heart were but more humble!
Oh that this profane heart were but more holy!
Oh that this earthly heart were but more heavenly!
Oh that this unbelieving heart were but more believing!
Oh that this passionate heart were but more meek!
Oh that this carnal heart were but more spiritual!
Oh that this vain heart were but more serious!
Oh that this dull heart were but more quickened!
Oh that this dead heart were but more enlivened!
Oh that this lukewarm heart were but more zealous
for God, and Christ, and the gospel, and the great
concerns of eternity!”
