The secret kissesThe secret kisses – Thomas Brooks
When a Christian is in a wilderness, which is a very solitary place, then God delights to speak friendly and comfortably to him: Hosea 2:14, “Behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak friendly or comfortably to her,” or as the Hebrew has it, “I will speak to her heart.”
“When I have her alone,” says God, “in a solitary wilderness, I will speak such things to her heart, as shall exceedingly cheer her, and comfort her, and even make her heart leap and dance within her.” Certainly the soul usually enjoys most communion with God in secret.
A husband imparts his mind most freely and fully to his wife when she is alone; and so does Christ to the believing soul. Oh . . .
the secret kisses,
the secret embraces,
the secret visits,
the secret whispers,
the secret cheerings,
the secret sealings,
the secret discoveries,
which God gives to His people when in secret prayer.