O ‘Tis Enough, My God, My God!
O ’tis enough, my God, my God!
Here let me give my wanderings o’er;
O ’tis enough, my God, my God!
Here let me give my wanderings o’er;
No longer trample on thy blood,
And grieve thy gentleness no more;
No more thy lingering anger move,
Or sin against thy light and love.
O Lord, if mercy is with thee,
Now let it all on me be shown;
On me, the chief of sinners, me,
Who humbly for thy mercy groan;
Me to thy Father’s grace restore,
Nor let me ever grieve thee more!
Fountain of unexhausted love,
Of infinite compassions, hear;
My Saviour and my Prince above,
Once more in my behalf appear;
Repentance, faith, and pardon give,
O let me turn again and live!