LETTER TO MRS. THAIN, HEATH PARK - Robert Murray Mcchene
When invited to rest a while.
DUNDEE, June 1840.
MY DEAR MRS. T., —You know how glad I would be of some such retreat as Elijah had by the brook of Cherith, where I might learn more of my own heart, and of my Bible, and of my God, where I might while away the summer hours in quiet meditation or talking of his righteousness all day long. But it is only said of the dead in the Lord that they rest from their labors; and I fear I must not think of resting till then. Time is short, my time especially, and souls are precious; and I fear many are slumbering because I watch not with sufficient diligence, nor blow the trumpet with sufficient clearness.
I have to be away so much on business, that I feel I dare not be away on pleasure only—at least at present. I rather think I must be in Ireland next week, at the Synod of Ulster, which prevents me coming to Mr. Macdonald’s communion.
There is some request as to another communion in St Peter’s also, which I shall be glad to see carried into effect, provided it be done with all the heart of the Lord’s children. In these circumstances, you must not think me neglectful of your kindness, if I put off my visit to you a little longer.
I trust that you are keeping strong, and able to enjoy the open air, and that your souls all prosper, —that you have often such times as Jacob had at Mahanaim, when the angels of God met him, —or such times as that at Peniel, when God had to cry out, “Let me go for the day breaketh” Alas, we do not weary God now with our wrestling’s, but with our sins. The dark clouds gather, and the church and we should all be entering into our chambers and shutting our doors upon us. “In that day sing ye unto her a vineyard of red wine.” His song will be with us in the dark night. May you and yours be hid in the day of the Lord’s anger! A smile of his can lighten up a thundercloud.
Read Psalm 29 and meditate on the last verse. Live near to God, and so all things will appear to you little in comparison with eternal realities. — Ever yours, etc.