DUNDEE, March 27, 1841.
MY DEAR FRIEND, —I was happy indeed to receive your letter, and the rules of your Society, which interested me very much. I would have answered you sooner but have been laid down by my heavenly Father on a bed of sickness, from which I am just recovering by his grace. Spared fig-trees should bear much fruit; pray that it may be so with me. Luther used to say that “temptations, afflictions, and prayer, made a minister.” I do trust that your Society may be greatly blessed, first, in the comforting, enlivening, and sanctifying of your own souls, and then in the bringing others to know the same fountain where you have found peace and purity. Let Jesus come into your meetings and sit at the head of the table. It is a fragrant room when the bundle of myrrh is the chief thing there. Let there be no strife among you, but who to be lowest at his feet, who to lean their head most fully on his breast. Let all your conversation, meditations, and readings lead you to the Lamb of God. Satan would divert your minds away to questions and old wives’ fables, which gender strife’s. But the Holy Spirit glorifies Jesus—draws to Jesus—makes you cleave to the Lord Jesus with full purpose of heart. Seek advance of personal holiness. It is for this the grace of God has appeared to you. —See Titus 2:11, 12. For this Jesus died; for this He chose you; for this He converted you, to make you holy men—living epistles of Christ—monuments of what God can do in a sinner’s heart. You know what true holiness is. It is Christ in you the hope of glory. Let Him dwell in you, and so all his features will shine in your hearts and faces. Oh, to be like Jesus! This is heaven, wherever it be. I think I could be happy among devils, if only the old man were slain in me, and I was made altogether like Jesus! But, blessed be God, we shall not be called to such a trial, for we shall not only be like Jesus, but be with Him to behold his glory. Pray to be taught to pray. Do not be content with old forms that flow from the lips only. Most Christians have need to cast their formal prayers away, to be taught to cry, Abba. Arrange beforehand what you have to pray for. Do not forget confession of sin, nor thanksgiving. Pray to get your closed lips opened in intercession; embrace the whole world and carry it within the veil. I think you might with advantage keep a small book in which you might mark down objects to be prayed for. I pray God to make you very useful in the parish and in the world. Do all things without murmurings and disputing’s. —See Phil. 2:14, 16. Live for eternity. A few days more, and our journey is done. Oh! fight hard against sin and the devil: the devil never sleeps. Be you also active for good. The Lord blesses you and your dear minister. Pray for us. Pray for the dead parishes around you. —Ever yours, etc.