LETTER TO THE REV. J. MILNE, PERTH - Robert Murray Mcchene
Breathings of heart.
December 13, 1842.
MY DEAR BROTHER, —We are to have the communion, if God permit, on 1st January 1843. A. B. is to be with me. Could you come down on the Thursday or Friday previous, and give us a good and comfortable word in the evening, 29th or 30th December—either you choose, or both if you prefer that?
I preach at Newtyle to-night, and to-morrow evening at Lintrathen in a barn, and on Thursday at Kirriemuir. Pray for me, for I am a poor worm, all guilt and all helplessness, but still able to say, In the Lord have I righteousness and strength. When shall the daybreak and the shadows flee away? When that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. I long for love without any coldness, light without dimness, and purity without spot or wrinkle. I long to be at Jesus’ feet, and tell Him I am all his, and ever will be. —Yours till then, etc.