Psalm 16 – O Lord, Thy Faithful Servant Save

O Lord, thy faithful servant save,
Faith in thy name thou know’st I have;

O Lord, thy faithful servant save,
Faith in thy name thou know’st I have;
My soul hath called thee mine:
My good cannot to thee extend,
My good did first from thee descend,
And all I have is thine.

The Lord himself my portion is;
Thou reachest out my cup of bliss,
And wilt no more remove;
My fair inheritance thou art;
The needful thing, the better part,
I find in perfect love.

The Lord I will for ever bless;
The Counsellor and Prince of peace,
He teaches me his will;
He doth with nightly pains chastise,
And makes me to salvation wise
By every scourge I feel.

Him have I set before my face,
The pardoning God of boundless grace,
Of everlasting love;
By faith I always see him stand,
And with him placed on my right hand
I never shall remove.

Wherefore my heart doth now rejoice;
I wait to hear thy quickening voice;
My flesh exults in hope;
Thou wilt not leave me in the grave;
Sure confidence in thee I have
That thou wilt raise me up.

Thou wilt the path of life display,
And lead me in thyself the way,
Till all thy grace is given:
Fulness of joy with thee there is;
Thy presence makes the perfect bliss,
And where thou art is heaven.

Psalm xvi.


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