Letters: Miss Clarke, Edinburgh (1) - Bonar, Andrew
CRAIGNURE, ISLE OF MULL, 18th August 1882.
—It was very kind in you to let me know of your sister’s illness. She is safe in any case in ‘the everlasting arms. During all her time of trial and pain, the same Holy Spirit who upheld and comforted Christ our Head, even on the Cross and its agonies, will assuredly uphold and comfort one of His members. Nor will He forget you. I don’t know whether or not Mary was called to watch at Bethany over a suffering and dying sister (‘Martha, whom Jesus loved’), but I am sure that the Saviour looked down from His Father’s right hand on them both, with the same love and sympathy which He showed when their brother was sick.
I would like to see you both, but I am at present away with my family in this far-off island, and I do not think I can be in Edinburgh for a long time to come.
MeanwhIle, praying for the presence of the Lord with you continually (remember—’ I will water it every moment, I will keep it night and day’)—
Believe me, yours truly in Him who ‘knows our frame.’