Letters: Mr. William Bonar his brother (1) - Bonar, Andrew

COLLACE, Tuesday Morning. (probably written about 1845)
—Here is a neat plan of Jerusalem and the country round, to which I have added a few names. By means of it you may ‘walk about Zion and tell the towers thereof,’ just as you do at Morningside to the towers of Edinburgh Castle. As you come up from Bethlehem and go in at the ‘Zion-gate,’ you may sing one of your hymns: –

‘Pilgrim burden’d with thy sin,
Come thy way to Zion-gate,’ etc.

Notice where I have put up a cross. I think it was thereabouts that Calvary stood—not at all where they now show the Holy Sepulchre. Notice also Scopus. It was the camp of Titus when he first of all came to besiege the city.
Now, dear William, wander up and down and round about Jerusalem. It is fine fresh air. Climb the Mount of Olives and visit Bethany on the other side. Drink in all the truths they will suggest. Jesus Christ the same … to-day.’
There are two mistakes in the plan. The Mount of Olives is made too low a great deal at the one extremity, and there ought to be not a smooth plain but a deep valley between Aceldama and the hill of Zion. The deep valley was Gehenna—the valley of the son of Hinnom. May you meet the King as you wander in these holy spots. May you meet the Man of Sorrows in Gethsemane, and may you be met by Melchizedec— the true Melchizedec—in the King’s dale, the valley of Jehoshaphat. See, also, to get a drink at the Pool of Siloam, and eat a little of the ears of barley that grow on Mount Zion, at the spot marked No. 27, where we plucked some six years ago.
The above is my prescription for an invalid— Jerusalem. air, Siloam water, Zion barley; and you may add Gethsemane olives. They will do you no harm.— Your affectionate brother,
P.S.—When you are done with Jerusalem, journey on to Collace. You know Collace-hill is very like the hill of Samaria.
