The Prayerclub Story
The Prayer Club Story
Welcome to the prayer club. We are trusting God to make this a safe home for humble conservative Bible based Christian’s ! If you find content that is not Biblical while humbly excusing minor doctrinal differences between Godly men then advice us and we will carefully, prayerfully consider what you say. We have removed of the material on this site already after investigating warnings from the public! We do not remove just to please anybody, but appreciate any real concern.
I am a missionary. This is a site unto the glory of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ (God, the Son). Years back a friend and I (Bible College students) started to pray about the formation of a prayer club. We were sick and tired of people everywhere getting newsletters to pray, yet praying very little. If we were going to start a prayer club then we wanted quality, not quantity. We wanted to build up prayer relationships with young and old. We had much zeal and little wisdom, yet God was gracious. We started to pray asking God to lead us to prayer people who would pray for others and us. We fasted in secret and God blessed us openly (as He promised).
Often on Saturdays we would travel far, sometimes 100’s of miles to find prayer warriors. God led us to amazing people who lived a Holy life (through Jesus) and prayed for hours a day. They did not pray like the Pharisees (i.e. Vain Repetition), they knew warfare. We started a newsletter. We only sent it to a few people (+ – 30). We were ever careful not to allow the newsletter to become junk mail. We phoned the people and wrote them letters and told them (truthfully) that “If we had the choice between all the gold in Africa and one saint’s prayers we would choose their prayers.” God used this newsletter in a mighty way. People who where greatly used of God in the past and had lost their fire seemed to get it back- Praise God.
Many of the prayers in the newsletter were answered in a mighty way. THE FOLLOWING IS ONE EXAMPLE: On a farm in Africa there was man called Boesman (died few years back). He regularly was drunk, but went to the farm church service on Sundays. He often came to the church service, a drunk. Once a preacher cried out (from the Pulpit), “If you do not repent you will one day open your eyes in Hell”. Boesman’s drunken voice answered from the back crying
“Hallelujah”. He obviously was not in his right mind. For years people tried to show Boesman his need of salvation, but to no avail. I spoke to him myself. He was old (late 80’s) and hard as an uncut diamond. Then I had a thought- “ WE HAVE TRIED SPEAKING TO HIM, NOW IT IS TIME TO SPEAK TO GOD.” People had prayed for him, but not intense, co-ordinated prayer warrior praying. So I sent a request in the Prayer club Newsletter and asked God’s army to go to its knees. They did! A few weeks later Boesman came under conviction and met with Jesus. He was a new man. Suddenly he had peace in his eyes. He stopped drinking. He said he could not understand how he could have been so stupid to waste so much money on drink for so many years. God had done the impossible.
God gave me and my friend ministries in different parts of South Africa. I have preached and witnessed (with God’s lasting fruit) in various continents and countries of the world. I started to pray for a prayerclub INTERNET site. Again I did not want it to be full of content and people while little Spiritual happened. I started to pray daily for God to do miracles. I had little money and wanted the site to be professional. God provided the money in a miraculous way and led me to kind and sacrificial Christian web site designers. I started to pray to God for 10 000 English Mp3 sermons, 5000 Afrikaans sermons, and 500 sermons each in various languages on salvation, spiritual growth and various other topics. I asked God for tracts, booklets, 10 000 poems 10 000 photo’s, 10 000 sheet music and much more. I asked God for wisdom in the planning of the site and for people to help with the technical side, the ‘ very important ‘donkeywork’ and the equipment. We wanted God to do above all that we could ask or think and he has begun.
Again we are careful about quality. For instance I spent hours going through one old poem book with hundreds of Christian Poems and chose only 4 poems. I want each poem to be from God’s heart even if eventually there could be 10 000 or more. The has various sections with content too much to mention in this short story. This site is not about me or anyone else, but ABOUT JESUS THE CHRIST. We do not want to lead people into rules or strange experiences, but to experience the Crucified one. We long for people to become warriors in prayer and for the truth in a time when few churchgoers worry about whether they hear truth or walk truth. They seem to worry about experiences, entertainment and/ or rules but are not willing to die for Jesus and His truth. Please (get right with God and) start praying for this site.
The last thing to be mentioned is Samuel Media. I prayed much that Samuel Media would be willing to take part in this site. Samuel Media has been traveling for over 13 years recording sermons of mostly Bible based conservative preachers in South Africa. (Preachers such as Keith Daniel, Danie Steyn, Willie Marias etc). Samuel Media had over 6000 powerful sermons on computers, many of which have have changed many lives. I phoned it’s founder and leader and told him to pray about it. He immediately said he did not need to pray as he knew it was of God. We have since founded various panels to help us keep the site pure. These panels help choose speakers we may use on the site and warn us younger ones who might not be good for the site. We recognize that in our zeal we lack some wisdom and so seek advice from many Godly men and women. We still make some mistakes ,but labor hard in our choices to make as little as possible! We have phoned and emailed many Godly preachers from different denominations and asked permission for the use and free download of their sermons and other material on this site. We thank God for those who still have the “freely given freely give” verse living in their humble heart!
The Samuel Media Story. (Testimony of its founder) It all started in 1994 at a March convention. I was listening to a Message and God spoke to my heart. That evening – late at night, while under conviction of my sin the Lord Jesus Christ (in His mercy) forgave my sin and saved my soul. Shortly after this I prayed and told God that I did not just want to be saved, but I wanted to know where I fit in in His body! While reading scripture and seeking God for an answer I felt God was going to show me a gap He would like me to fill. While on a trip to a conference with a friend we talked about working for the Lord and the call of God. During that conference in 1995 God showed me the gap that needed to be filled. It was to preserve sermons.
During the time that followed up to 1996 the Lord prepared me and spoke to me from the scriptures and a book “Rees Howells Intercessor” by N. C Grubb, which showed me the LIFE OF PRAYER AND FAITH possible through Christ. The Lord led me to leave my full time occupation as a “Carpenter and Joiner” to join the Lord in serving Him by recording sermons and helping with the sound Camps/Outreaches where I believed the Bible was preached (Powerfully and without compromise). In the years that followed I recorded a large library of messages on different topics.
God in His Mercy brought me across people in the sound industry who taught me much of the in’s and outs of sound mechanics. I saw a huge problem in the poor sound quality both in recordings and presentation across South Africa. The Lord gave us His best and therefore I wanted to give my best to Him – so that there would be no hindrance to anyone listening to messages because of poor sound or video quality.
The Lord pressed on my heart in 1999 to change the ministries name to Samuel Media Services. Through those years I pleaded with God to show me ways to serve people. I also prayed to God to send people to help me build the ministry to a point where it is an instrument in God’s Hand to reach the needs of many people. I knew I could not do it alone. I also knew that God could take my life at any time and then I needed someone to take the messages and spread them further. I prayed about the Internet, but did not know how and had not the means. Then a young man contacted me and offered to work with me to make a web site. Immediately I knew that this is God’s will. He told me to pray, but I answered that I knew already that this is of God. And so began a new path which God has confirmed time and again is of Him. (The young man is under the Authority of another mission and is not a member of Samuel Media. Samuel Media is in charge of the finances such as overseeing the donations made to this humble site. We appreciate greatly those who have helped to make this site possible via prayer, hours of volunteer work and kind financial contributions without which we could not have done what we have.The young man helped with the planning, praying for and compilation of this site and has an equal say in what happens in it. It is lovely to work together and never have fought once. One for Jesus, One for Truth and One in Christ! To be successful is wonderful, but to be faithful is infinitely more important. Please pray for this site. Listen to the messages and spread them far and wide.
We would like to thank the volunteers across the world that has helped in so many ways to make this site possible.