Nicodemus and the New Birth - Lee Brainard

In the third chapter of John, Nicodemus, a leading figure in Israel, came to Jesus in the cover of night, struggling with a question that had been bothering him. His question is implied in his greeting, “Rabbi, we know God sent you, for nobody can do the miracles you have done unless God was with him.” In other words, “I am baffled. How can you be sent of God? You criticize our religion. You charge us with hypocrisy and dead works. You have offended good people. I myself wouldn’t give you a second look, except for the miracles.”

Jesus’ answer was revolutionary to one steeped in religion, “Unless a man is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.” In other words, you need something that religion cannot give you. You need the spiritual rebirth that God provides (1 John 5:4). This rebirth does not come through human channels (John 1:11-12). No man can mediate it. No ceremony can bestow it. And it cannot be obtained by a mere human decision or choice. It is a divinely bestowed washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit which God pours out on men when they come to the Lord Jesus Christ (Tit. 3:5-6).

This raises life’s single most important question. Are you born again? Have you been washed and renewed? If not, go to Christ and put your trust in Him alone. Eternity hangs on this question.

~Lee Brainard, February 14, 2015

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