The Pre-Eminence of the Bible - Lee Brainard
Many in our day regard the Bible as just another religious book. It is not unique. It has no more inspiration or authority than the Koran, the book of Mormon, or the writings of the Eastern religions. But this opinion cannot weather a fair trial. Those who pursue the subject with open mind and honest heart find two lines of evidence that force them to surrender to the Bible as the word of God indeed.
First, they will discover internal evidence like prophecy and typology. The Old Testament contains dozens of distinct prophecies about the first coming of Christ that were fulfilled exactly. The odds of this happening by chance far exceeds the threshold of statistical impossibility. No other religious book contains a body of prophecy that even remotely compares to the Bible’s. The Old Testament also contains many amazing types and shadows of New Testament events and persons. Such prophetic foreshadowing doesn’t happen by chance and isn’t found in any of the religious books man has written.
Second, they will find external evidence like changed lives. When men really meet Christ, they become “new creations.” They are powerfully and permanently changed. They are in the world but not of the world. No other book produces such a change. They may give men religion which they add to their life, but they don’t give them a new life.
~Lee Brainard, December 27, 2014