O Thou, Who Gav’st Thy Servant Grace

O Thou, who gav’st Thy servant grace
On Thee the living Rock to rest,

O Thou, who gav’st Thy servant grace
On Thee the living Rock to rest,
To look on Thine unveiled face,
And lean on Thy protecting breast.

Grant us, O King of mercy, still
To feel Thy presence from above,
And in Thy word and in Thy will
To hear Thy voice and know Thy love.

And when the toils of life are done,
And nature waits Thy just decree,
To find our rest beneath Thy throne,
And look in certain hope to Thee.

To Thee, O Jesus, Light of Light,
Whom as their King the saints adore,
Thou strength and refuge in the fight,
Be laud and glory evermore.

Reginald Heber


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