HAVING IT YOUR WAY - Hannes Zegement Grove


Christian why is it so important having your own way
While Christ is shaking His head saying my child nay
But you want it to be done your way on this path you’ll stay
Why don’t you take heed? What is wrong with you I pray

Christian, why do you want to do it your way so badly?
Is the lessons from the past not hurtful enough lately?
You still want to do your own little thing but hold on
This way is costing you Me and my way gone
You wanted your way I let it be – done

Christian, I see what it’s costing you but this I don’t get
You still want things your way like I knowingly said
Can you not see that one thing will intensely cost thee
Are you this blind and still cutting on this bondage tree
This one where Christ made you absolutely free?

Christian, having your own way is painfully true
That you wanted things your way and only you
And now that you’re older you cannot let go?
How long does Christ in patience show?
Do not be conceited―humble yourself and again you will glow

Hannes Grové
(Christian ways are not always His way)


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