God’s sovereign plan - A.W.Tozer
God’s sovereign plan
Many people continue to live in daily fear that the world “is coming to an end.” Only in the Scriptures do we have the description and prediction of the age-ending heavenly and earthly events when our Lord and Savior will be universally acknowledged as King of kings and Lord of lords. God’s revelation makes it plain that in “that day” all will acclaim Him “victor!” Human society, generally, refuses to recognize God’s sovereignty or His plan for His redeemed people. But no human being or world government will have any control in that fiery day of judgement yet to come. John’s vision of things to come tells us clearly and openly that at the appropriate time this world will be taken away from men and placed in the hands of the only Man who has the wisdom and authority to rightly govern. That Man is the eternal Son of God, the worthy Lamb, our Lord Jesus Christ!
A.W. Tozer