To Hans von Loser - Martin Luther
Luther asks him to be sponsor for his son. January 29, 1533.
Most excellent honored sir and co-sponsor — I entreat you for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ that
you would humble yourself for God’s sake and for that of my young son, whom God has bestowed upon me tonight through my dear Kathie, and come to my help, so that he may be translated from the old Adam to the new birth in Christ Jesus, through the holy sacrament of baptism, and thus become a member of the Christian Church, so that perhaps God may in him raise a fresh enemy of the Pope and the Turk. I wish him christened about vesper time, so that he may not remain a heathen any longer, setting my mind at ease. Your Excellence will agree to this, and help to perfect the offering to the
praise of God. I shall ever be ready to requite the obligation. I commit you and yours to God. Amen. MARTIN LUTHER . (De Wette.)