To King Gustavus I of Sweden - Martin Luther
The King asks Luther for a tutor for his son, whom he afterwards made his confidant, and raised to a high post.
April 18, 1539.
Grace and peace, Most Serene Lord and King! Herr Nicolas, your Majesty’s excellent ambassador, tells me he received orders to provide a good tutor for your Majesty’s young Prince. This was a great joy to me, for I thereby perceived God had endued your Majesty with a great love of piety and learning, fitting you to set an example to others. For it is necessary for kings to be either by nature more ingenious than others, or to attain to this by thorough training, so that they may see with their own eyes instead of trusting to others’ opinion. May Christ cause your Majesty’s work to permeate the whole realm, especially the cathedrals, so that schools may be opened for training young people for the ministry and service of the Church in connection with them; for this is the chief and highest duty devolving upon kings who love the gospel, and your Majesty has the reputation, beyond all others, of loving righteousness. And we pray God to rule your Majesty’s heart through His Spirit. By the grace of God, most capable instructors have been selected for the Prince. Herr Norman is a man of blameless
life, modest, upright, and learned, fully fitted to be the Prince’s instructor, and I warmly commend him
to your Majesty. Michael Agricola accompanies him as travelling companion. He was born in your Majesty’s dominions, and although young in years is very learned and sensible and of pleasing manners, and may achieve much good in your Majesty’s lands. I pray that Christ may have much fruit through this man, whom I hope your Majesty will appoint to an office. May God through His Holy Spirit richly bless all your Royal Highness’s deliberations and undertakings. Amen. Your Majesty’s devoted MARTIN LUTHER . (Walch, 5:21. 1290.)