To Prince Wolfgang of Anhalt - Martin Luther
Luther wishes him joy on representing the Elector at Regensburg. March 12, 1541.
To his Serene Highness Prince Wolfgang of Anhalt. Grace and peace in Christ our Lord! I was delighted to hear that your Grace requested our prayers on your journey, and doubt not that He who put this desire in your heart will grant it. For King Solomon’s prayer was well pleasing to God, in that he asked for wisdom, and not for riches and such-like, and God granted his desire, and gave him all other things in addition. So we, too, shall hover in spirit in Regensburg, and Christ, as is His wont, shall reign among His enemies. For, unworthy as we may be of such a cause, it must be a good and righteous
one, for it is God’s own cause, and not ours. Is He then likely to forsake it? For God cannot be the losing party, so at length we shall conquer with Him. These words are ever true: “Whosoever, therefore, shall confess Me before men, him will I confess also,” etc.; so in this promise we shall trust.
I thank your Grace for the goblet, and commit you to the dear God, whose legate you now are. May He give you the heart to know this, and then you will be full of joy. For it has always been my comfort
that the cause I conduct is not my own, but God’s, who has angels enough to uphold me; or if they forsake me here, they will look far better after me up there. Amen.
Your obedient MARTIN LUTHER . (De Wette.)