Christian preachers and ministers ought to acknowledge, publicly and with humility, their great indebtedness to the apostles John and Paul. Study the Gospel of John and you will concur with me that John is surely the mystic of the New Testament! Explore the epistles of the Apostle Paul and you will also concur with the assessment that Paul is surely the theologian of the New Testament! John and Paul were completely immersed in love and adoration for Jesus, the Christ, the eternal Son and the Savior of the world. So we may say that Paul is the instrument and John is the music! God Himself was able to pour into the great mind and spirit of Paul the basic doctrines of the New Testament. But in John, God found harp-like qualities to sound forth devotion and praise. Paul, then, is the theologian who lays foundations. John does not really soar any higher than Paul-but he sings just a bit more sweetly! It is not amazing, really, that there is much mysticism in Paul’s theology, and much theology in John’s mysticism!