You always will that way. It is inside. It is in the Holy Ghost. It is in Christ. Heaven is there. It is there for all. But believe me, you cannot get it unless you take the preparatory step. Therefore you must get alone as I did sixteen years ago; you must kneel down before Christ and say:
“Christ, I give Thee myself, my will. With my will I yield to Thee. Thou art the Potter; I am the clay. Impose Thy will upon me.”
And mind you, Christ will say to you: “What about this? ” and if you can look up and say; “Yes, that!, Thine,” He will go forward and make you beautiful and happy. But if you refuse, you will stop there, you will be dwarfed, you will thwart Christ.
At Keswick, a little village in the Cumberland Hills, where we meet once a year to talk about these things, if you go out at ten o’clock, at eleven o’clock, at twelve o’clock, at one o’clock at night, you will see lights burning. My heart has often gone up in prayer because I know that every light means a Jabbok, and that at those places souls are yielding to God. At Northfield also a brother clergyman said to me last convention:
“Mr. Meyer, the work has not been done in the auditorium, but it has been done in the woods at night where we have gone to settle it with God.”
Remember this. When I gave myself to God that night, the devil said:
“Don’t do it! If you let God have an inch, He will want all. If you yield in one thing you will have to yield in everything, and there is no knowing what you may not come to.”
At first I thought there was something in it. Then I remembered my daughter, who was a little wilful then, and loved her own way. I thought to myself as I knelt:
“Supposing that she were to come and say”– “Father, from to-night I am going to put my life into your hand; do with it what you will.” Would I call her mother to my side and say: Here is a chance to torment her. What would mortify her? what color of dress does she hate? what companion does she .detest? what method of spending her life does she abhor? Tell me, and I will put her through them all.
I knew I would not say that. I knew I would say to my wife: ” Our child is going to follow our will from now. Do you know of anything that is hurting her?”
“Yes; so and so.”
” Does she love it much?”
” Ah! she must give it up, but we will make it as easy for her as we can. We must take from her the things that are hurting her, but we will give her everything that will make her life one long summer day of bliss.”
God will say that to you. He only takes that one thing away because it will hurt you. But oh! He will give, and give, and give! You have no idea what God will do for you. Say: ” I am willing.” But let me make a confession: I did not say that myself. I said: “I am not willing, O God, but I am willing to be made willing.”
God help you to make the same prayer!