A Blind Man Preaches to 3,000,000 People – Dwight Lyman Moody
I was at a meeting in London, when I was there, and I heard a man speaking with wonderful power and earnestness. “Who is that man?” I asked, my curiosity being excited. “Why, that is Dr. — — . He is blind.” I felt some interest in this man and at the close of the meeting, I sought an interview, and he told me that he had been stricken blind when very young. His mother took him to a doctor, and asked him about his sight. You must give up all hope,” the doctor said. Your boy is blind, and will be forever.” “What, do you think my boy will never see?” asked his mother. Never again.” The mother took her boy to her bosom and cried, “Oh, my boy, ”Who will take care of you when I am gone? Who will look to you?” — forgetting the faithfulness of that God she had taught him to love. He became a servant of the Lord and was permitted to print the Bible in twelve different languages, printed in the raised letters, so that all the blind people could read the Scriptures themselves. He had a congregation, my friends, of three millions of people, and I think that blind man was one of the happiest beings in all London. He was naturally blind, but he had eyes to his soul, and could see a bright eternity in the future. He had built his foundation upon the living God. We pity those who have not their natural sight; but how you should pity yourself if you are spiritually blind.