A Cloak for Lukewarmness
Lukewarmness, though with self content,
And with the status quo,
Lukewarmness, though with self content,
And with the status quo,
Is not so foolishly intent
His temperature to show.
He wants to shine in others’ eyes,
And seem what he is not.
He seeks a plausible disguise
To make him look more hot.
What calls for bland conformity,
Yet has a pious ring?
“Submission to authority!”
Now, that’s the very thing!
Submission has a humble air
And suits his purpose well.
Her virtue he may seem to wear
Though just the outer shell.
She forms a cloak of godliness
His coolness to conceal,
And clothes his natural carelessness
In her apparent zeal.
Her virtue, though, is all pretend,
When put to such abuse.
Submission must the truth attend
To find a noble use.
When she’s an aid to righteousness
And curbs the lusts of youth,
She will humility possess
And bear the marks of truth.
But when for self-complacency,
A justifying cloak,
She loses all her piety
In that unequal yoke.
Nita Brainard