A faithful minister – Thomas Brooks

“Let the elders who rule well be accounted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in the word and doctrine.” 1 Timothy 5:17

The which is here rendered labor, signifies not simply to labor but to labor with much travail and toil, to labor even to exhaustion, as he does who chops wood, or who toils in harvest, or who goes to battle.

Oh what an honor is it to a faithful minister, when he . . . found the people dark and blind but left them enlightened; found them dead but left them alive; found them a proud people but has left them humble; found the people profane but has left them holy; found them a carnal people but has left them spiritual; found them a worldly people but has left them heavenly; found them a wavering people but has left them settled and rooted.

Oh, it is an honor to faithful ministers, when their people are like them in . . .
