A golden Christian – Thomas Brooks
A true Christian will be holy among the unholy. He will retain and keep his holiness, let the times be ever so unholy.
If you take him among unholy friends you shall find him holy.
If you take him at his table you shall find him holy.
If you take him in his shop you shall find him holy.
If you take him in his family you shall find him holy.
If you take him in his closet you shall find him holy.
If you take him in his journeyings you shall find him holy.
If you take him in his recreations you shall find him holy.
A holy Christian is like gold. Cast gold into the fire, or into the water; cast it upon the ash-heap, or into the pleasant garden; cast it among the poor or among the rich, among the religious or among the licentious yet still it is gold, still it retains its purity and excellency. Just so, cast a holy Christian a golden Christian into whatever condition you will, and into what company you will and still he will retain his purity, his sanctity! Yes, the worse the times are, the more a holy man studies holiness, and prefers holiness, and prizes holiness, and practices holiness.
The godly man is four square. Cast him where you will, like a dice, he always falls sure and square. Just so, cast a holy man where you will, and into what company you will yet still he falls sure and square for holiness. True holiness is a part of the divine nature; it is of such a heavenly complexion, that it will never alter.