A Minstrel
I used to have a minstrel
Who sang his songs to me,
I used to have a minstrel
Who sang his songs to me,
And pesky evil spirits
Would turn around and flee.
But now the pleasing music
Is seldom to be heard,
And devils that afflict me
Aren’t easily deterred.
I need a purge more thorough
Than any minstrel’s song
To banish them completely,
No more to come along.
I need another method
To reach a deeper place,
Uncover where they’re hiding,
And give the devils chase;
To clean the nooks and crannies
Where devils like to lurk,
And leave no dirty corners
Where they can do their work.
It is the Spirit’s washing;
The Word of God I need
To give the faith and power
From devils to be freed.
Nita Brainard