A sad story of a woman named Bochna – Thomas Brooks
I have read a sad story of a woman named Bochna, who had but two sons in all the world. One day, when she was walking with the one son by the river, she heard the other cry out, and hastening to him, she found a knife sticking in his side, which killed him immediately. Then she made haste back to the other child but in her absence, he had fallen into the river and drowned and so she lost both her sons at once!
Now, this is your very case. Everyone of you have two children, as I may say a soul and a body an eternal life and a temporal life; and oh, what a dreadful and unspeakable loss would it be to lose both these at once! And yet, as certain as there is a God in heaven, you will lose them both without holiness.
Without holiness no one will see the Lord.” Heb. 12:14